Sunday 22 February 2009

easy low fat recipe

There'sa bunch of different variations of flan recipes out there, but
using my best judgment, I think the following ingredients make for a
great-tasting, and low-fat-as possible flan dessert. Ingredients: 2
whole eggs 4 egg whites
A low-fat version for bread pudding. --
posted by Musical Cook.

A refreshing healthy smoothie with bananas,
pineapple, milk and honey.
Wonderful blueberry flavor abounds in these
thick and moist pancakes from Amy Spainhoward of Bowling Green,
Kentucky. "My kids love them, and they are very nutritious, easy, and
A recipe for low-fat, low-cal eggnog.

I fall somewhere
in between, mostly because I'ma lazy cook. I like easy, not-too-fussy
recipes. This lasagna qualifies. As a side note, this recipe can be
modified easily. For a lower fat version, simply switch to low-fat
Wonderful blueberry flavor abounds in these thick and moist
pancakes from Amy Spainhoward of Bowling Green, Kentucky. "My kids
love them, and they are very nutritious, easy, and inexpensive!"
recipe for low-fat, low-cal eggnog.

Use this recipe to make low-fat
potato pancakes (latkas) for Chanukah.
Otherwise, you WILL feel
deprived. The good news? It is easy to modify some of your favorite
recipes by using the sensational substitutions listed below. You don't
have to eat a sparse and boring 'diet meal' any longer.
bunch of different variations of flan recipes out there, but using my
best judgment, I think the following ingredients make for a
great-tasting, and low-fat-as possible flan dessert. Ingredients: 2
whole eggs 4 egg whites
One of my favorite things to do is to convert
classic (not so healthy) recipes to updated, low fat versions. Any of
your beloved recipes, whether it be latkes, mincemeat pie or gumbo,
can easily be prepared without all the fat and
One of my favorite
things to do is to convert classic (not so healthy) recipes to
updated, low fat versions. Any of your beloved recipes, whether it be
latkes, mincemeat pie or gumbo, can easily be prepared without all the
fat and
A recipe for low-fat, low-cal eggnog.

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